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04/09/12 2:19 PM

#23276 RE: novache #23274

Today's PUMPs & dumpS

A Sneak Peak Into Our Sneak Peak Into SNPK
and Mustang Scammy

We are working on an expose of Sunpeaks Ventures (SNPK) in order to show you the illogical stupidity of a $500 million market cap on this company. Of course, even the most optimistic of regular penny players know where this is going to end up, and we suspect that the illuminated are already slowly making their way to the exits and will leave the less sophisticated in the ways of Ponzi-schemes, holding the bag. In the meantime, here's an advance look into what we are seeing.

SNPK has done nothing but private labeled a bottle of multivitamins ("Clotamin"), just like many of the major pharmacies
do. They manufacture nothing. The only thing that may be somewhat off-the-beaten-path, is that Vitamin "K" has been left out. The cure for cancer wasn't exactly found here either, as Clotamin is hardly the only multivitamin with this characteristic.

The company's proud announcements of Clotaimin appearing on the shelves of some of the biggest drug store chains is pure window dressing. If you paid us $40K - $50K, as they paid these retailers to carry Clotamin, we'd tell you that Clotamin makes hair grow on bald men (wait, they may go there).

SNPK, acquired Healthcare Distribution Specialists, the distributors of Clotamin, in a reverse merger. HDS started selling Clotamin in 2008, so this is not a new product, but one that has been around for at least 4 years and has been losing money from Day 1. This $500 million company is broke. In March, it had to borrow $200K and paid off other debts with stock, including one $110K debt it settled last February with 50 million shares of stock, that is now worth $55 million. Not a bad rate of return, eh?

Since its inception, Clotamin has not generated a dime in revenues. We didn't determine this, the company did. According to SNPK's own filings, as of December 31, 2011, prior to the acquisition of HDS, it had about $10K in cash and debts of $214K in debt on accumulated material revenues of zero. Today, you made this company worth $500 million

SNPK has no money, makes no money and they've already committed that the money they don't make, will be given to The National Blood Clot Alliance.

What do you say lemmings? Want to take this to a billion dollar market cap?

Stand by for our full report.