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04/10/12 1:29 AM

#173239 RE: rooster #173191

The ‘Voter Fraud’ Fraud

Ari Berman on April 4, 2012 - 1:02 PM ET


James O'Keefe is a fraud


The Truth About Fraud

Allegations of widespread fraud by malevolent voters are easy to make, but often prove to be inflated or inaccurate. Crying “wolf” when the claims are unsubstantiated distracts attention from real problems that need real solutions. Moreover, these claims are frequently used to justify policies – including restrictive photo identification rules – that could not solve the alleged wrongs, but that could well disenfranchise legitimate voters.

The Brennan Center carefully examines allegations of fraud to get at the truth behind the claims.

Two New Reports:

An analysis of more than 250 claims of fraud in the Supreme Court's photo ID case
Finding not one proven case of a fraudulent vote that the challenged law could prevent
Exposing false assertions that photo ID is required for common activities

The Truth About Voter Fraud, examining inflated claims of voter fraud nationwide
Debunking claims of double voting, dead voters, and more

See more about the link between voter fraud and restrictive ID rules here and here.

Eeeeek! A Fraud!

(RJ Matson, Roll Call, April 16, 2007) .. links inside ..

rooster .. this is what you should be concerned about ..

full-blown GOP fascism, right here, right now: