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04/05/12 10:20 PM

#8347 RE: GreenFever #8346

I talk to MDHI regularly. There is no tie to Joe Noel with Motorbooster. They ran in some of the same circles due to last encounters with Noel. When the owner of Motorbooster got it back from Noel, he approached MDHI. Theres too many trying to confuse people on here. Nothihg in how successful or un successful Yesdtc did with Motorbooster matters at all. They know Joe never marketed it. Thats why they are starting with this test Radio campaign weekend. The product has alsways been west coast. So it was closer to Joe and now even though its not close its now with MDHI and MDHI only. There is no royalties, contracts, or affiliations with Joe or Yesd or any other company. Its strictly with MDHI ad the owner. They could move warehouses they may not. When I said they would be looking at short or any term, and not be leaning toward Motorbooster as their key product, its just that. As an investor in MDHi. Knowing what I know of Yedtc. Knowing of how some things have happened, once I heard MDHI was taking Motorbooster, I called with a lot of questions. As its not secret from my earliest posts, that when MDHI talked with Harrington, as good as that was, I wasnt planning to invest with the negativity surronding Yesdtc and others. So that was a big step for me even to be here today. As I would find another opportunity and not take on the mess that was happening wit YESD at the time.

So to clear up what I said. MDHI has assured me that they are in no way looking to ever steer away from their core business and become a major player in the fuel additive business. They, like many small cap companies, look for additional revenue streams for advancing their core business to succeed by nbot having to resort to the one any only way to do it until sales coem, and thats dilution. So they hold stock as well, and see an opportunity to increase revenues without dilution to build Medioendant into the leader in the Medical Alarm space. So its going to be determined with the success or lack of success of Motorbooster, to determine how long they will have this secondary, added product. As I posted in my last post. Once Medipendant gets to where they want to take it, they should wouldnt or couldnt have time for anyting else. So the plan is make it a success. Then continue to build their core business, protect all shareholders, including themselves, and get Medipendant demand way up. Then sell Motorbooster or spin it off in some share arrangement or something. Just some say they are moving away from Medi as it must not be selling and are going to motorbooster as their product. That is the furthest from the truth. Yesdtc, and its issue only provided MDHI an opportunity to try out and see if it meets the above requirements, and in the shortest time possible. Thats why they were looking at FirstFitness too. A way to add a reveune stream to get Medi an industry leading product. Motorbooster approaching them was a timing thing. Yesdtc had to be going through what it was or MDHI would be looking at their plan C merger. Motorbooster isnt a cash hungry program to get going. The product is already made and was rady to go. all Yesdtc ad to do was market it. So thats what I mean by short term. Its a low cost, ready to go product, that if marketed and works well, Medipendant will hit the things they pr about that much quicker. And all while keeping us investors happy with the structure. So it sux for Yedtc. But their efforts and work, are now going to favor us, by being in the right place at the right time.

Call MDHI management and ask the Noel questions. You can even talk to the owner of Motorbooster. Their loss is our gain. But nothing Motorbooster, Medipendant, or Medical Alarm Concepts is anything Joe Noel or Yesdtc related. The only connection was the source of the owner, and a fit. One owner looking for someone ready to need that revenue stream, and MDHI who as many things ready to go, and looking for that reveune stream mentioned. That is it. Timing and who was in the market for what, and we matched, so MDHI took it. And I belive it was like only 70 grand to get this going. Thats pretty good if it turns out to be a good revenue generator. So many have thoughts about the other company. So call Howard or Ronnie and ask them how Yesdtc is involved, and youll hear what I just said. But its good people hear for themselves. Now as MDHi shareholders, we want Motorbooster to do well. Then the magazines CUERO offers can get more prints in more publications. International can ramp up much quicker. Etc etc etc. Many things we could go bigger on if theres more money coming in. We have so much going, and for now this is our method for generating capital to go along with the growing Medipendant reveunes.

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04/05/12 11:12 PM

#8348 RE: GreenFever #8346

If people would put together a nice email to MDHI's management, they should get back to you with answers to any questions. Some may choose to not want to call. Ir they might call and they are busy everytime they call and that might discourage. Though, some will still want to engage in a live conversation as you might think of things in the fly and get them answered. But if not, at the least, if you have questions, and you put your own money into something, you should send emails and give them time to respond.

The way to look at it, is there is a lot of things in their agressive plans for Medipendant. They came out with communications in the 4th quarter about a lot of things they have been working on, and are ready enough to start communicating to shareholders. These items were so nice in nature that the stock went up 1000%. So many big name things like, Albertsons, Coscto, Harrington and more. Heck call them and ask them how well the Albertsons marketing is going, with a Medipendant tri-fold flyer in every perscription. And now with Costco and Harrington getting ready to go live, and CUERO in ther final stages to start our print campaign, they are expecting raoid growth of sales. And with the effort to get these things live, the last thing the company, or us shareholders want to encounter is, the demand see a greater spike that expected and we cant fulfill the demands. As we see it takes weeks to approve every little detail for the Costco graphics for their website and magazine. Once the tedious tasks are complete, and were finally up and running, we surely dont want to have miss calculated with inventory, and storage, and fulfilment, etc., to only have our sites reading, "sold out" or "temporarily unavailable". If someone was interested in Medipendant when they see it on Costcos site, they will move on to the next product if we are out of stock for too long. So this is just an example why they wan to make sure they are ready for anyting with enough working capital. So this is why these type of companies look for mergers or partners to allow for a small investment that could have a large ROI.

So they, like any company, had a few things in the works. They would make final decisions and alter as it goes on. Which is why they were looking at FirstFitness as plan A, Motorbooster B, and they have a C just incase. When FirstFitness looked promising, only to unravel once the deal was moving towards its final, and they didnt feel the dilution amount was justified for the reveunes. So they scrapped iut and moved to Motorbooster. And if it dont work, they wont just stay doing it either. So the duration of how long MDHI will market Motorbooster will depend on Motorbooster. Only keep in mind, management has zero plans to have a two main product company and split the business as such, for life. Short term could be a year, 5 years or longer. Could also mean percentage of time spent on it. But regardless, A, B, C options are there for the time needed to get Medipendant at the competitors level and higher. But they will tell you, they wont be changing names, business plan, or trying to become leaders in the Fuel additive market. They want a good ROI product, that can provide the necessary funding as needed to get Medipendant a household name. Then, and thi sis me talking, they would probably look to sell off anything Motorbooster related if it even gets to a business sale. More than likely, they will just not renew licensing when its no longer needed and Medipendant demands all their time and resources.

So when you read that they arent reupping with Medipendant. That Medi isnt doing well, so they are slowly adding a product, and will slowly phase out Medi and make this a Motorbooster company only. Those are complete out right wrong posts. Its the opposite. And until the marketing satrts, the tweeks happen, and then and only then can the duration be even known for using Motorbooster as a Medibooster. Howards been in the Med alarm field 20 years. He knows the industry well. He has no thoughts of getting out of the Alarm game. And sales of the Medipendant are doing so well, thats why they are looking at Motorbooster in the first place. So if they see the same results x 10 due to Harrington and Costcos reach, they really need to make sure they are ready for the demand that a Costco will bring. So what some post is actually the opposite as Medi doing well is whats causing them to need inventory, complete enhancements, build infrastrure overseas for the Medical Alram back office work to why the Medipendant can save your life. Once you own the device theres a lot of working parts to why you get the EMT, why you get call trees onm your family to work, etc. They shared a couple weeks back its only 424 million shares. So to build a global network so other countries can use Medipendant. To get software upgrades, foreign language packages, and more things in place, they require money. So what better way to get money than find a perfect RIO secondary product?

Harrington should go on TV this month. Costco can start anytime. Albertsons, Catalyst Benefits, and more are growing. And they are about to fill a large international order. If you see this weeks pr, it tells you they are now shipping things overseas. Once the infrastrute is in place, theres a large European order set and rady to go. All of this takes inventory, shipping, engineering, support, and more. So then steps in the balancing act of accomplishing all of this and other new things coming, while keeping that 424 million in check. They just pr'd about the enhaced product. That cost money. Paying monthly bills cost money. So if these Medipendant sales werent ont he rise along with this, the 424 million from mid 3003 a year ago, the dilution cant and wont cover all these costs. So they are not relying on business by selling shares. They are relying on business with business sales of medipendant. When they pr any orders, small medium, or large, even single unit shipped to a customers house comes with months of reoccurring monthly fees. Thts a rolling in revenue stream alone. I broke it down in a previous post, that the dilution in ine year, with the prices in that year equated to about 50 grand worth of revenue from that dilution. That is no where near enough to run a business like this. So most of that dilution was probablyt for administrative type costs. But do the math, and they are in business and making money on their product, adn staying in business, and even moving forward, even when the market cap was nad still is too low. The enhancement product alone took months. So the stock was less than .002 for a long time while that had to be getting paid for. And dilution wasnt high enough. Its because they have sales and reoccurring monthly payments. And its only getting bigger and better. Like I said, the business end of MDHI is doing extremely well. Theres just so much negativity daily, that even stocks with no product or zero reveunes and worse share structures have a better pps. MDHIs time will come and at a certain price point even the negativity will move on.