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04/05/12 11:05 AM

#14013 RE: Yorkshire11 #14009

Yorkshire, another good daily charts event was just confirmed this week. As I have mentioned for months, the 10D had crossed below the 50D, 1/12/12, which also is referred too as the 'mini-death cross'. As of this week, that negative indicator has been resolved, which normally is a sign of strength, for any stock moving forward.
DROP, is currently showing a relatively strong break above that cross, for the 3rd consecutive day, and has also broken above the .40 barrier, currently at .425, as I write.
When I consider the overall Stock Market fears, being permeated this week, and a renewed caution about Europe, China, and an overdue pullback due, the fact DROP has continued it recent upswing is a GOOD indicator right now.
IMO, unless there is a major negative worldwide, or Stock Market event, the current positive DROP price action, combined with recent Enerjel ordering increases, are good signs moving forward.