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04/05/12 8:51 AM

#70921 RE: sang k #70920

I agree sang. Years ago I helped launch a 30 day injectable formulation of naltrexone indicated to treat alcohol dependency. The reason I bring this up is because it follows the same logic as PhoneGuard in terms of market awareness and education.

We nearly made the fatal mistake of positioning this injectable as the "complete solution" to the problem pushing aside the efforts of alcohol programs and counselors. We quickly realized the market wasn't embracing this product regardless of how great the data was in our trials.

PhoneGuard management was smart to re-group once they realized pushing this product down the throats of teens was not going to work. People that are alcohol dependent were used to taking their meds 4 days a week, laying off one day and getting tanked on Saturday. Teens and adults will claim "they have this under control" and dont need an app like PG and it isn't until that one text while driving puts them in a precarious position with the law or worse. Like an alcohol dependent patient they only realize the problem once they have hit rock bottom.

A student led grass roots movement embraced by the community is smart and will hopefully be embraced by their peers. PhoneGuard positioned as a part of the solution gives piece of mind to parents and can help reduce the risk to corporate entities and commercial operators. Giving that Ross kid a seat at the government's table was a strategic decision and shows the government/commercial sectors are serious about addressing the problem.

PhoneGuard has a place but it has to take second seat to education and awareness IMO