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04/05/12 12:28 AM

#11194 RE: oakie #11184

Hi Oakie,
You are correct, it was Feb. 2009 I met Dr. Jabbour at the ASU Flexible Display Facility on his way to class. They had just moved in two weeks before from the previous address of 14220 E CAVEDALE RD SCOTTSDALE AZ 85262. That was a trip in itself. People today that are worried about their investment would have run away kicking in the afterburners to get away faster at that time. But that is what DD is about. I was skeptical of this new company and it’s foresight, I wasn’t skeptical of the technology. I couldn’t get any phone calls answered and I wasn’t happy. I thought you could read some of the original posts from Yahoo where I was not supportive of the company but they were under the HGUE board that no longer is available. At least I couldn’t find it. Here #30 was my post Oakie refers to but under the original moderator ID of ddabetsmallwinbig for some reason. They still have the same problem today as then, investor relations. So for the old timers here we’ve grown accustom to it. In one of those old posts I discussed that I would rather have the company personnel spend their time working on building the company than answering questions. If they answered each request for info they would never get anything done. Their responses have been few and far between but appropriate for the need to answer. The only investor rep they had that was any good was Andrew from the Phoenix Alliance days, the two after that were completely useless. So not having one in my book is better than having a completely useless one that was getting paid to say “I don’t know”. I always believed this was a BUY and HOLD investment and still promote it as such today. The original business plan had an execution time frame of five years, we are still inside that period. As of today a few milestones have slipped by and that is OK with me personally because it’s not that they are embezzling the money from investors. They are building a business from the ground up and that takes time, money and perseverance. The setbacks that they have encountered along this growth period are just opportunities to improve in the future. It’s a developmental startup company with nanotechnology. No one on this board heard of nanotechnology or quantum dots three and four years ago. 95+% of the people today still haven’t heard of a quantum dot. If you want to make your fortune fast then you need to sign up for those penny stock advise services being paid to pump and dump the stock. Just make sure you know what you’re getting into first. Because that mentality is what I’m expecting to run this up when it does break out. All the people that don’t do their DD and buy because they were told its going to be big. I call it the “"Lemming Suicide Plunge" - where lemmings, apparently overcome by deep-rooted impulses, deliberately run over a cliff in their millions, to be dashed to their deaths on the rocks below, or to drown in the raging ocean. Indeed, this myth is now a metaphor for the behaviour of crowds of people who foolishly follow each other, lemming-like, regardless of the consequences.” The difference here will be some very happy investors that waited patiently for an idea to develop into a viable business.

Another day closer!

PS to all: If you think it’s bad because you haven’t been informed to your liking, be glad you aren’t a share holder of First Solar $160 last year to $21.73 today and dropping. They had plenty of PR along the way.