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04/03/12 1:09 PM

#11852 RE: ManyTrades4Me #11851

Lets hope this gets it moving.
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04/04/12 4:05 AM

#11860 RE: ManyTrades4Me #11851

Get it While it's Cheap - Really???

What did the press release really say/mean. First thing I notice when I go to the site I see, "Secure Offshore Encrypted File Hosting". This is a grievous error on AMWI's part because offshore hosting is usually meant for gambling, porn and file sharing - it gives the impression something nefarious is going on. This is just another amateurish mistake. The entire operation reeks of amateurs and worse.

Secondly, Gerteisen doesn't know what is going on with his company or hasn't read the website, as it states under the "How Lokdrop Works" tab that

Best of all you receive UNLIMITED space on our server

but on the press release,

Amwest looks to achieve a higher number of users on LokDrop's 50GB accounts

. He could have misspoke etc but again it just has all of the appearances of a poorly run company.

Remember this is a press release not a response to a reporter. The big thing here is that AMWI is late to the party - what they are talking about is already being done by, and countless others doing the same thing. Nothing cutting edge in terms of technology. Dropbox is already ubiquitous and well branded.

Third and more importantly is why didn't Gerteisen make this announcement at the SF Conference? It would have had far greater impact. My theory is that the guys pulling the strings don't want him subjected to cross examination by savvy tech reporters. Remember he was running a MLM health food operation - or not running it but just a affiliate. If someone did a little homework they could make a connection between Gerteisen, Kueber and now it appears Debbie Smith.

The fourth point is there was absolutely no mention of doing any cellphone or signal encryption. One of the big pumpers on the forum says his son-in-law is working for them and they have a deal with RIM, DoD and DoE - odd how none of that is mentioned. Hasn't this been the reason there was so much hope and tells of riches on this forum. But,that myth seems to have been started here - as I can find nothing from the company about any military contracts. Plus, where was all of the big news about breakthroughs using "Cloud Technology"?

Here is the direction of the company,

The Company has been researching and developing new tools for the small business sector, those technologies will be used to achieve customer interaction and build profitable relationships with clients. New mobile applications are also on board in R&D at Amwest.

Looks like SMS to me - nothing more.

Fifth and most important - this goes for investing in general. These serial Penny stock P and Ders prey on the neophytes and unsophisticated investors looking to get rich quick. Now here is the number one clue that a company is vaporware or smoke and mirrors - if a penny stock company is paying to be pumped by Awesome Penny Stocks or some similar type company - run don't walk as fast as you can from it.

When you look at it logically does it make any since for a real legitimate company to pay $300k or even $5k to be told how great they are by the publications. If the company offered anything of substance there would be no need for a paid pump - the public would find them (please see Facebook, Kayak Software, Twitter and Yelp.

I am still waiting for someone to provide any information that can be validated that shows AMWI is a "Real" company. Why is there no employees on the site? This is especially true if you are offering any high tech encryption solutions.

With the similarities between RICP and AMWI a logical conclusion is that the SEC will become involved in the near future.

So IMO the new press release was a huge disappointment - but expected by me anyway. I am still amazed at how just how inept the major players are in this disaster - it all seems like a bunch of teenagers are running the show.
