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04/02/12 2:53 PM

#17666 RE: learning curve #17662

rat is back from nap,chemo and steroids killing me


04/02/12 2:59 PM

#17668 RE: learning curve #17662

Your looking at it wrong, sure they make money

But look how many shares they have out... If you want this stock to even be worth a dollar per share, they would have to be worth over like 100 billion dollars, GOOD LUCK with that. Im not bashing it, stay in if you want, thats up to you, but theres no way this stock will ever seen over $0.20 due to dilution and so many shares out, this company is awesome and will pick up, but in order to get out of penny land delight, a reverse split is coming.

So please, Do us all a favor, keep your dreams realistic, im not trying to be mean, but come on people, this stock isnt going over anytime soon due to their dilution. Sure, they may "have stopped diluting" as they said, but that still doesnt change the fact that THEY DID dilute. Theres to many shares out. Keep pipe dreaming, But Ill wait til she comes back down to the 2's before I get back in. But please, Quit saying this is gonna go to the moon, cause its not. They need a reverse split before they even get over .20 Again, not being mean, this company rocks, I love their product, but lets all be realistic.

learning curve

04/02/12 3:14 PM

#17676 RE: learning curve #17662

That was a serious question? I don't think its going to the Moon any more than its going to drop into the 2's. Totally unsure....just wondering how many opportunities people have seen like this in the past. Even if it does hit .2 - its not Tomm. Additional I really aprreciated that management atleast recognized and commented on the fact that they had diluted to create brand awareness. Remember this is a global company. You can't create global awareness with a few bucks!

Anybody have a real reply to my question? Not an IMO

I'm long and patient


04/02/12 3:24 PM

#17684 RE: learning curve #17662

Ahhh.. another classic

How many penny stocks has anybody seen that trade less than X that have Y and that Z?

this is the only one.... that is always the answer. It doesn't mean they will succeed, or that they even want to succeed for the shareholder.


04/02/12 5:27 PM

#17706 RE: learning curve #17662

none, that's why this is a diamond in the rough. go mslp