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04/02/12 12:26 AM

#76084 RE: Jammin1 #76076

In theory that might make sense, but in reality everything you said, if it comes true, it would be disasterous IMO. R/S, opening more stores, and not buying shares back until having more than enough capital for opening more stores, taking as long as it would..the time wouldnt be on the sp's side. More dilution will need to happen to sustain the expanded part of the business, which wont just start bringing in sales right away, hence the dilution imo and will burn that critical time away while cost to profit ratio is greater than 1 in the beginning. This would be disasterous man, jmo. Either way I wish the investors well, and the company. Priority though are investors, since company bank account and investor bank account are two different entities, and with me being on the investors' side and all.

In response to your next post. Did I say 6K? He spent 6K on a promo group. I think the 6K was careful money. If he were to do a buy back, it being alot more direct than the promo effect, Im sure he would have spent more. You have any idea how much money has been spent on promos? the amount of shares thats been paid out? So there is money to spend on things other than opening more stores and its proven even being less direct hence less important than how important you think a buy back is.