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04/01/12 2:23 AM

#172435 RE: arizona1 #172422

Arizona, I know you are sleeping or getting ready to ... but I MUST thank YOU for that article from Truthout! .. First I was so surprised to see that it was truthout, I all most fell off the chair .... ;) then when I saw that it was by Lauren Feeney, Moyers & Co. I was again knocked out ...... they EVEN used the best investigating journalists in the US to probe the IRAN issue for their eventual analysis...I'm really really impressed ... and tomorrow I'm going back, to read the embedded links .. Thank YOU so MUCH for posting that .. I would have missed it completely. Also,

just a side note here, it appears to go along with what F6 has been saying all along ... I'm not really REAL surprised ..;) ......ty again!


04/03/12 12:21 AM

#172621 RE: arizona1 #172422

arizona, good one .. the Israeli drumbeat tap .. the difference between Iraq and Iran is well put .. the last bit of yours ..

"Landay: Look, Persian culture is thousands of years old. They invented chess. These guys know how to be diplomats. I believe they are totally rational actors, of course. They look very closely at their interests — the preservation of their power, the preservation of the regime. If there were a conflict, the future of that regime would be in doubt.

Feeney: So then why do we still hear this drumbeat of war from politicians and the media?

Landay: The politician’s greatest device is the exploitation of fear. They want to present themselves as being the toughest — the guy or the lady that you should put your trust in because I’m going to keep you secure. And so yes, this issue has been used and abused, particularly I think by the Republican presidential candidates, who use it to try to portray President Obama as weak on this issue. And yet, when you get down to it, their proposals are virtually the same as Obama’s.

Nobody wants a war. The United States has been at war now for 10 years. Nobody wants another war.

Feeney: Who do you think is getting this story right? Who should people turn to if they really want to understand it?

Landay: The IAEA. All of their reports are publicly available. Listen to the IAEA. They got Iraq right.


04/04/12 1:00 AM

#172770 RE: arizona1 #172422

arizona, the Israel drumbeat .. blackmail .. 2008 .. tap tap tap ..

1. The Blackmail Option: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert held a secret meeting [ ] recently at his home. Present were top cabinet officials and someone who has plenty of experience of the sort that interests the Israelis at the present moment: Aviam Sela, who headed up Operation Opera [ ], the 1981 air strike against Iraq's Osirak nuclear facility. It was a bold and decisive blow against Israel's mortal enemy, which set the Iraqis back (though it drove them [ ] to create an underground program that actually was for the purpose of developing nuclear weapons by the time of the first Gulf War 10 years later). What Olmert wanted to know was whether it could be repeated in the case of Iran.

Yet no one should assume that Israel intends to act alone. An Israeli strike against Iran would be but a prelude to a much wider conflict, one that would invariably [ ] draw in Israel's one and only ally – us.

more ..

and earlier i guess .. bumped into it while looking to link my Buddhist
monk self-immolation one just now, and felt like linking it to yours .. :)