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04/01/12 1:56 AM

#5979 RE: dbob #5977

Agree I do not understand those that knock the JV when even if it was 50% of what possible revenues she seemed to love better than what she has now. IMO sounds like some have non public knowledge of what she paid for the JV. She said she paid for JV on Radio maybe that was not true. I remain confused and would like Rox to tell us what is happening. The music sounds good that is a positive if valuation is real and it generates revenue. IMO Global MD seems it could be very positive. Your thoughts appreciated.I do not understand the deleted posts seem very one sided seems they want sheep here. I like you bought based on JV based potential income.
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04/01/12 7:16 AM

#5988 RE: dbob #5977

DBOB see last post