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03/31/12 11:57 PM

#5972 RE: machiavelli01 #5968

Good just looking for the facts. If JV is a bad thing and she paid for it then what? Everyone hopes Rox makes us happy.
Remember there is two sides to every story so can hardly wait to see the facts as why people on the other side are not up to par.
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Emax Man

04/01/12 9:41 AM

#5998 RE: machiavelli01 #5968

MACHIA, good morning to you! As I understand, you will be paying her a visit soon. Let's talk about the other side of the J.V., not MPIX. Who in particular do you have a problem with, and why?
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04/02/12 7:33 AM

#6105 RE: machiavelli01 #5968

Are you saying you have found companies' CEOs who are in partnership with Roxanna that are even worse than she is?

Please do tell as I find this incredible...

I am still trying to find out when Roxanna has been straight with us. Beside her conceeding the past $500 Millions fell of the bridge!