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03/30/12 10:16 PM

#9494 RE: weeblewobble09 #9492


Nice call on $.90 by Friday. You're on a hot streak.

To my knowledge, the company has never guided 2012 revenue and income numbers. In Sweden, they presented "targets" for both.

From the last two announcements, they are very much headed in the right direction, more so as can be extrapolated into 2015 than can be interpreted as meeting wildly optimistic 2012 targets, imo.

Looking forward to learning a whole lot more in the coming two months.

As the trajectory of fish sales from the first two farms become evident over the next year-- along with existing and new contracts being public -- will lend transparency to a predictable revenue and earnings stream to underpin a value for that business if and when spun out.

Should be a big number ...