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03/30/12 4:50 PM

#258680 RE: Poptech #258669

Haha yeahh there going to close this year and thats why the dr. bought 3 mill worth of shares on the open market. give me a break


03/30/12 4:52 PM

#258682 RE: Poptech #258669

Pop-pretty risky thing to post here, no?
'He said Laura is a great lady but they will close this year and that she simply took the wrong job.'
A few degress off the JP posting of Frank's departure a couple months ago.


03/30/12 5:49 PM

#258696 RE: Poptech #258669

And how does your friend know they will close this year?

This friend knows Laura eh?

Is this "insider information" you are passing along Pop?



03/30/12 7:25 PM

#258720 RE: Poptech #258669

Shazam Pop. You are going to get a few responses from this one. Not many are going to seriously consider and recognize that July is hurricane season.

Too funny.


03/30/12 9:34 PM

#258758 RE: Poptech #258669

Interesting, I asked a friend of mine who is a CTO of a competitor
Who said if this doctor and neomedia get patents surrounding bar code technology
In the health care field it is game changer for the company....hmmm


03/30/12 10:06 PM

#258770 RE: Poptech #258669

Pretty bold of you Poptech

But Scanbuy's been saying NeoMedia will be out of business ever since I first invested back in 2006.

Guess what? NeoMedia's still here :-)



03/30/12 10:38 PM

#258789 RE: Poptech #258669

Got any proof of that statement? That is a pretty strong move on your part. I actually am a bit shocked that you would put this in writing here. Who was this person who is so sure that NEOM will close and how does this person know that? Wow.