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03/29/12 11:19 AM

#235960 RE: ChrisJP #235958

Repeat after me. No four years left of the Federal territorial Corporation.
It's been exposed and is under attack from all sides on the judicial level.
(last place before bloody revolution)

Be glad there are still REAL Americans out there, or your goose would be cooked.

Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan (But, it was really about Bush, Reagan was just a doddering old man who meant well and was used), Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, all were specific, hand picked operatives to usher in the New World Order. Kennedy's assassination was a Coup d'Etat cuz he wouldn't play ball.

Vladimir Putin appears to be the best friend real Americans have right now. He is against the NWO cabal.
WE are the evil ones promoting the Evil Empire along with the Zionist regime of Israel, City of London, UN, Vatican and ultimately Switzerland it appears.

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the corporation will be destroyed.
Oddly, by it's own hand.


03/29/12 2:19 PM

#235983 RE: ChrisJP #235958

Repeat after me:

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.