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03/28/12 7:21 PM

#54659 RE: recinvestor #54658


03/28/12 7:32 PM

#54662 RE: recinvestor #54658 kick ass!


03/28/12 7:34 PM

#54665 RE: recinvestor #54658

Licensing the PIRD process is genius. Any dispensary that wants to sell these cartridges can do it on there own and make huge profits, but will have to pay RFMK a nice fat licensing fee for doing so. In addition, Dispensaries will really push sales of the CannaCig so they can get profit on he back end by selling the PIRD cartridges.

Over the past few weeks, I was under the assumption RFMK would not be getting profit from cartridge sales as that would make RFMK in a way a dispensary, which they are not licensed for. Patenting and licensing that is genius and will allow them to profit from the cartridge sales, while not actually selling them! WOW!

Great job, Rec! Thanks!

EDIT: I will buy you some shots in Vegas! Awesome job!


03/28/12 7:40 PM

#54667 RE: recinvestor #54658

Rec, Just wanted to ask your opinion of the PIRD. assuming you tried some in the prototype.. did you feel it worked well in terms of strength of the medication?


03/28/12 7:51 PM

#54675 RE: recinvestor #54658

Rec thankyou for your dd nothing but the best ! Long and strong brother


03/28/12 7:54 PM

#54680 RE: recinvestor #54658

The demand is strong. Judah said he has many contacts in the cannabis sector and they're getting requests from the website from people and places he hasn't even heard of.


03/28/12 7:57 PM

#54683 RE: recinvestor #54658

The shipment is supposed to arrive tomorrow from DHL.



03/28/12 9:20 PM

#54720 RE: recinvestor #54658

Great work Rec. Appreciate your work and sharing this info. We admire your honest opinions as well!
Thank you.


03/28/12 9:21 PM

#54722 RE: recinvestor #54658

Right on Rec. Thanks for all that. Couldn't be happier with the outcome of your trip.

As for the funding, RFMK (Tom) did say it was looking "very good" today as per my exchange with him.

Thanks again for ALL your work and getting in there. And it's cool you got to meet and speak with Judah.

Talk soon,



03/28/12 9:32 PM

#54730 RE: recinvestor #54658

I just want to give a BIG thank you to many posters here this evening. Rec, that is some top notch DD today and thank you for sharing what you have dome and learned. Your actions today filled in many many questions and/or proved many facts others have been trying to cause issues with for the last few weeks. Also, it provided me with great information as to what answers tp expect from RFMK, that Judah was unable to answer. I also think it is fabulous that PIRD is one of the patents, which Tom has mentioned previously without much detail.

Also a thank you to lazy for going the extra step further to verify the DHL link that has been stated many times prior to today as info received. Confirming the info many have already posted. Thank-you.

There was some great DD done and posted today!! Many of us have been RFMK supporters for a long time now and today just justifies to me all the great long holders here and why.


04/04/12 9:48 AM

#57130 RE: recinvestor #54658

Recinvestors dd

The demand is strong. Judah said he has many contacts in the cannabis sector and they're getting requests from the website from people and places he hasn't even heard of.


04/07/12 12:41 PM

#58490 RE: recinvestor #54658

Sir are you going to ohm today bringthe camera