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03/27/12 2:56 PM

#3149 RE: ronniereagan #3144

appreciate your response as well...

So far given all I see in the DD on this one, everything adds to up+up..

Product already available through major online retail portals, pending major B&M deal(s), audited fins + current QB ticker, proper form filings/disclosure over an entire Q (some each month), a healthy active short player(s), steady and very realistic lower SS, very recent positive interpretive words from the CEO that things are still on track. For me, there are very few pennies that can boast these kind of attributes imvho. Certainly reminds me of any one of the bigger boy stocks out there.

Now many look for the next level to unfold here via some hard news. B/c I have all the above in-hand, I'm more than willing to wait it through..that's why I'm still here.

I mean let's put it this way. Given all the very solid DD here pointing in one direction, if this turns out to be anything but the real deal, many peeps should just pack up their penny hopes and stick to the bigger Exchanges (or never ever believe in Penny legitimacy ever again)..b/c then all "real" hopes of finding a legit breakout co will be all but lost in the penny market imvho! Such plays are already as scarce as hell as we know...this one right here can sure go a long way to helping support any kind of penny legitimacy or faith...