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03/26/12 11:33 PM

#7694 RE: sandls #7693

CPSZ is going full steam ahead and you are right that we didn't move offices to So. Cal for the weather. The selling is not by the company Sandls so no worries there. I know the price dropping is getting some people up in arms and causing the theories to start floating around but the company is Tip Top. The stock market is seperate from the company and they have no control over what happens there. The mission is the same everyday. To get the Kiosks in every jail, prison and courthouse that will have us and that number is growing at a break neck pace.


03/27/12 7:16 AM

#7695 RE: sandls #7693

I have no shares in CPSZ. I may buy some in the future as previously stated.

I don't consider myself a "big protester". I try to study what is going on here OBJECTIVELY for my own benefit. I almost never buy on what other people post, only public info.

I'm retired at age 44 & do this as a hobby. I might add, it's because of Wall Street & the stock market I'm retired.

I so glad I don't have to get up in the morning & go to a JOB which for a lot of people stands for Just Over Broke, if you can even find one now.