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03/25/12 11:03 PM

#78067 RE: Quinton #78059

I have a answer, but I'm really to tired to type a long story, but think Goldfarb in June, loan from BD for $5.8 million on May 31st 2011 (Just say June), deal to issue shares at a rock bottom price to get BD to look the other way and not foreclose on the dept. when Atrinsic delists. I'm thinking both BD & Atrinsic saw the writing on the wall that Kazaa had to go and Atrinsic could no longer support it. The deal with BD was to take your toys (Kazaa) and go home for a price, Millions of shares of ATRN. Goldfarb didn't want to burn bridges so BD makes out like a fat cat again, Dyne is happy, the BOD is happy.

Then ask yourself, why did Atrinsic need the loan in the first place to only repay it in full 12 months later? What did Atrinsic do with the money? Did BD want to loan Atrinsic money to get a hook into ATRN, other wise BD would of been stuck with a outdated toy (Kazaa)...... if Atrinsic just said screw you.

On May 31, 2011, the Company sold to investors (the "Buyers") Notes in the original aggregate principal amount of $5,813,500