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08/15/05 5:15 PM

#29935 RE: Mauring #29931

Mauring, regardless of a good or bad day at the stock market (or the lack of a stellar PR) is NOT a justification or excuse to demean other people. I'm not aiming at you just stating that people here need to learn to bite their tongues and move on to better constructive criticisms and contributions for the sake and health of this board.

Nuff said folks.


08/15/05 5:21 PM

#29938 RE: Mauring #29931

There are very few rocket scientists on this board, but at the same time, there are some fairly reasonable people who just do not jump on the band wagon and see good things from the 10Q: An example: Some people were talking about the 100%(rounded here) increase in revenue; but I see a $ 200+ million company with an increase of $ 150k+ increase as being rather, lets say, short of substance - afterall, one saleman with the paint business could accomplish increased sales of $ 150k+. Also the timing of the 10Q is lousy - when a company has news pre-market, usually a good sign; when it is after the market, usually bad sign; when it is after the market on a Friday afternoon - something is not right. Unless you believe they were so excited about the increase that they wanted to get the news out, and could not wait till Monday - even though they delayed everything, every other time to the last minute; "but this time it is different" - famous last words of those burnt in 2000, and 2001, and 2002.


08/15/05 5:28 PM

#29940 RE: Mauring #29931

Maury, there are downtrends and there are downtrends.

Take a look at a 3-year chart for AMED.

See the nice uptrend? Check out the period from Nov. 8, 2004 to April 28, 2005. That's a downtrend.

A downtrend within an overall uptrend.

Look at 5/18 after a bounce in that stock, a HUGE volume day for AMED, and a down day, hitting an upwardly ascending trendline again. People dumped at the bottom of that downtrend LOL. I bought.

NEOM has been and still is in an uptrend since November 2004. Right now NEOM is (hopefully) in a downtrend within that uptrend. If NEOM breaks some support right around where it is now, it might not be in that particular uptrend any longer ... although, just minutes ago, I defined a different uptrend that NEOM would still be in even if that happened.

No rocket science needed to know high volume on an up day is better than high volume on a down day. Although, as I have seen time and time again, and you probably have too ... there are MANY times high volume down days are shaking folks out right before the next up move. And a "high volume" down day bringing a stock right down to a trendline that has been very predictive in the past is a GOOD day in my book ... as long as the bounce occurs within a reasonable time LOL

It's worrisome sometimes, but wringing our hands about it on a message board doesn't help, eh? Hmm, perhaps bad terminology, don't mean to give offense. But what would you like everybody to say? Oh no!!!?????? I'm sure some folks sold today, some are watching and worrying, some bought (I did) and most aren't even posting on this board.

