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03/25/12 6:00 PM

#13064 RE: Weasel1 #13063

The odds are in your favor only if your right and your short. Sounds like you don't own a share. So no matter what happens, you will not make or lose a dime. As far as the rest of your comments, That was then and this is now. I have paid my money and am now taking my chances.
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03/25/12 6:35 PM

#13065 RE: Weasel1 #13063

Weasel you are clearly a disgruntled long who sold a .02 or less. Ypour info is OLD AND OUTDATES and frankly a waste of everyone's time. The man retired 90% of super preferreds eliminating potentially 4.5 billion shares its a very big positive. The ceo said twice on the call that 10's of millions of contracts are coming in which I believe they get 50% upfront. He said he will be buying back stock. No .06 cent stock is perfect but they have a neat product that will sell. Stuart also stated he is hiring a very bullish signal.

Stop disulining shareholders and potential shareholders about the current year 2012. I sincerely doubt your a short as the margin cost of shorting a .06 cent stock and risk are high and i would place a big bet that very few other than a market maker is staying short to make $ and fill an order.

You have an agenda or are just sour grapes either way your info is erroraneous. Intk has a good amount of upside and I was very comfortable with the call. Im looking forward to a fully reporting company as per Stuart by end of april for the financials of 20010 and 2011.

I believe the stock is a buy between .05 and .10.