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03/25/12 12:17 PM

#34911 RE: AsianGroup #34884

"Like.... Mister cut and Paste,"

Not sure what you mean by that, but I'm sorry if you haven't learned to use the that instead of retyping everything.

"Bottom Line, We have a All-Star Management Team,"

That remains to be seen. I'm beginning to see many here starting to doubt them.
Also, that was said about DKGR's last "Management Team"

"don't think they would do something like that,"

I don't agree, because DKGR management is a puppet. IMO the puppet master is still the same.

"but go through IR, I think it's a great idea"

I don't trust IR, as he is the same guy who promoted this years ago, along with many other scam companies. He will promote anything for MONEY!

"If they stall then we will know that they're full of BS and that will be that,"

You said that about DKGR before, but continued supporting DKGR to the bitter end.

"as far as the other, believe it was before my time, but I would assume you get un-invited a lot?"

Reread my post, they did invite me, but I knew it was a scam, so why would I waste my time.
Remember, you even invited me to that DKGR golf event you put on to help Clayton scam investors.

"Oh, one more thing, my post was not to you, but it gave me a chance to point out a few things."

Now let me get this straight, unless a post is directed to another poster, then nobody else has a right to comment on it? If that is what you are suggesting, then please check your own record of posting comments to those who were posting to others besides you, that you then commented on.

Thanks for giving me a chance to point out a few things you may have forgotten about.