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03/24/12 10:48 PM

#171345 RE: StephanieVanbryce #171228

From Fred Hiatt's ..

“The World Bank is potentially far more decisive than a bank,” Jeffrey Sachs, an economist at Columbia University, wrote in The Post this month. .. .. “At its best, the bank serves as a powerhouse of ideas and a meeting ground for key actors who together can solve daunting problems of poverty, hunger, disease and environmental degradation.”

Sachs wrote that in proposing his own candidacy, an offer that Obama did not pick up on. But Kim’s
appointment appropriately recognizes that the nature of the bank has changed and needs to change more.

Excellent thank you ..

The 3 by 5 Initiative

This website contains archived information on "3 by 5". For the latest updates on WHO's HIV/AIDS activities, please visit

The "3 by 5" initiative, launched by UNAIDS and WHO in 2003, was a global TARGET to provide three million people living with HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries with life-prolonging antiretroviral treatment (ART) by the end of 2005. It was a step towards the GOAL of making universal access of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment accessible for all who need them as a human right.

The initiative was led by Dr. Jim Yong Kim .. that was mentioned in Fred Hiatt's first link ..


10/03/14 9:18 PM

#228960 RE: StephanieVanbryce #171228

The End of Poverty. Really? - Jim Yong Kim in an interview with CNN's Richard Quest - Webcast

Date: Wednesday, October 9 [maybe last year?]
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EDT approx. (13:00 – 14:00 GMT or convert time)
Location: World Bank Headquarters and Online

This event has now concluded - watch the archive below.


Extreme poverty is in retreat. In 1990, 43 percent of the developing world lived on less than $1.25 a day. Today the global poverty rate has dropped to less than 20 percent. There is a real opportunity to end extreme poverty within a generation – this generation. But how realistic is this goal? Achieving it means halving the 2010 poverty rate. Then halving it again. And then nearly halving it a third time – all in less than one generation.

CNN’s Richard Quest tackles this critical question and the issues that surround it in a live-streamed interview with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim -- who will share his vision of what needs to be done and why it takes a movement to get there.

YUM!, he just mentioned cashews! (abt 27) .. lol .. this post was prompted from seeing a more recent
interview, the one below, caught yesterday, or the day before .. the one above just found and threw in ..


World Bank: Fighting Poverty

Oct. 2, Thu.

*This program was first broadcast on Jul. 24

Since its establishment, the World Bank has been providing support for poor countries to help them achieve economic growth. President Jim Yong Kim has pledged to rid the world of extreme poverty by 2030. Believing that his organization needs to borrow ideas and know-how from the private sector to attain this goal, President Kim is working to boost collaboration with businesses and nongovernmental organizations. How does he plan to bring about a poverty-free world? We'll ask him about issues the World Bank must overcome to achieve its goal as well as visions for the future.


In July, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim visited Japan.

He attended a symposium with young Japanese entrepreneurs and urged them to lend their support to the World Bank.

We are serious about ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity for the people who've been left out of the global economy for far too long.

The World Bank provides assistance to developing countries. President Kim has set a goal of effectively ending poverty throughout the world by 2030.

The World Bank's attention extends beyond developing nations, to the global economy. In June, the bank lowered its global economic growth outlook for 2014 to 2.8 percent. As the world economy is losing steam, President Kim has high hopes for advanced countries including Japan to be the driving force.

What future awaits the world economy? Can the World Bank achieve its goal of eradicating poverty? We'll ask President Kim.

It has been two years already since you became the President of the World Bank. What does the bank regard as the biggest challenge to the world economy currently faced by the Bank?

Well, when I started in July of 2012, we didn't know whether the European Union would stay together. We didn't know if Greece was going to be part of the European Union. We were in a middle of a major crisis. And some of the major downside risks have really alleviated. So we're now in a much sounder footing.

Transcript continued:

.. it's an interesting read .. lol .. love his position on optimism, it's in there somewhere .. :)

See also:

Author of climate change report: ‘I got it wrong on climate change – it’s far, far worse’