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08/15/05 2:52 PM

#29877 RE: chartist1 #29861

chartist, one comment

Well, two .. thanks for posting, interesting, I always like comparing others' charts to mine ..

and, man, your daily chart was freaking me out because your lower line in your trading channel was coming out at such a different point than MY lower trendline ... but when I checked, you and I are using the exact same high points and low points for putting in those upper and lower trendlines.

I finally figured it out .. you are using a log scale chart and mine is normal price axis.

Not sure what others might think but I think if you are really going to base decisions, buys/sells etc on hitting the upper and lower trendlines (which IS what I do), you might want to consider using a normal price axis rather than logarithmic, the even scale should make things more accurate. Like today, my lower trendline sits right on .36. I prolly should have quit being stingy, .362 pretty close, eh? Guess we'll know in a few days if that was really it.

That same trendline called the .30 downdraft perfectly a while back, and my upper trendline called the .45-.47 bounce the next day as I recall.

JMHO and maybe I'm about to learn something here I didn't know, there're sure plenty of things in THAT category LOL.




08/15/05 5:28 PM

#29941 RE: chartist1 #29861

Chartist1 - Nice charts. I appreciate your efforts.
