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03/23/12 3:56 PM

#3729 RE: paidmyway #3728

I could quote lots of numbers you have been quoting for the last two years, all of them wrong.

it will never be worth more than .0060....and that is the very same number that I quoted over 2 years ago....

Not to mention statements and predictions that were complete nonsense. Such as the ore being limestone, dirt, overburden, etc., when the fact that the area is granitic is widely known and the information readily found with even the shallowest DD. And the outright prevarications, such as saying the CEO telling the attendees at the shareholder meeting that it would be years before any profits were shown. You weren't there (I was), and I and the other attendees know that he never said such a thing. Not to mention you being completely wrong on topics such as lateral mining rights, or claiming that the positive posters were paid by SFMI, repeatedly implying that they had rights to only 29% of the claims when in fact that number applied to only a small fraction of the claims (and a much smaller fraction now that SFMI has added 2000+ acres of fully owned claims), saying no one knew how much debt they had accumulated when even the dumbest newbie knows it's right in the filings, stating that the mill would never get into operation, etc. Lots more where those came from, and if you want I can print a long list of specific quotes.

As far as your present post, the amount of revenue and/or profits that goes to GHDC is strictly controlled by the terms of their agreement, so your statement that all of it would go to GHDC is just more unfounded unsubstantiated undocumented nonsense.