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08/15/05 2:56 PM

#60793 RE: Ixse #60790

Re: you are not claiming to have anywhere near the amount and/or quality of sources that Charlie and Mike have, right?!

No, but are you claiming that Charlie and Mike have the ability and desire to quote their sources verbatim? LOL!

The Inq is a tabloid Internet magazine. They probably have great sources, but since they can't share exactly what they hear, we have no way to verify the accuracy of the reports. Each factoid presented in an Inq article may be:

- Real and taken for all it's worth
- A misunderstanding or misinterpretation from the Inq staff
- or just completely made up for the purposes of controversy

In other words, I am not saying the Inq is wrong, since I have no better information, but I am trying to read between the lines. The author of the article said that Cloverton is a dual, dual core Woodcrest on an MCM (4 cores total), but that the performance will suck due to FSB limitations. Maybe that's all true, or maybe just the part about the code name Cloverton is true, and the author just assumed it would perform terribly on a FSB. Smithfield, for example, seems to scale much better in real world tests than anybody previously thought. It's possible that Cloverton will as well, in spite of the FSB limitation. I don't know, but I will take the Inq commentary with a grain of salt, as usual.