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03/23/12 10:44 AM

#104787 RE: jimtash #104785

I don't know why. My broker said it was a in house trade.


03/23/12 10:46 AM

#104788 RE: jimtash #104785

would YOU pay 50 cent a share? why not?


03/23/12 12:08 PM

#104810 RE: jimtash #104785

I can easily imagine one of our...

European-based shareholders doing it just as a goof to incite the fervent amongst the shareholder base.

Seems to have worked well and achieved the desired effect of irrational exuberance. $160 USD well spent...


03/24/12 12:07 AM

#104845 RE: jimtash #104785

jim, seriously? what was it, 319 shares or something? somebody probably bought those just to shake things up a bit - to shock the portfolio, shock the mm's or whatever. it was NOT some reflection of value here. come on, man. be real.