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Tom K

02/04/03 2:25 PM

#3979 RE: jbennett53 #3977

"Saddam would be dead 16-18 years by now if the US government had stayed out of the Iran-Iraq war."

Is that suppose to give me a warm and fuzzy? Let me sit back and visualize how cool it would be to see the radicals in Iran in control of Iraqi oil reserves.
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02/04/03 4:53 PM

#3990 RE: jbennett53 #3977

"Al Qaeda’s spokesmen are going beyond general calls for action against the enemy. They have announced a serious escalation of tactics. They are telling partisans explicitly that American troops and civilians must be fought with nuclear weapons. In some Internet sites associated with the group, such slogans as “the way to kill Americans is by nuclear attack,” appear of late. Another favorite is: “There are no Western civilians. Every Westerner is a combatant whom we are enjoined to kill.” "

I only disagree because your insistence that the US does things and then people get mad and the response by these people is worse than the original problem removes resposibility for the events from the people who make the problem worse.

Why dont you blame the Mullahs for everything? then when the US does something to them, their people can tell them: you should not have done anything, now it is much worse, see I told you we should not enrage America.

I totally agree with you however, that just stopping all the craziness right now would be the best idea. Bilateral stopping that is. Deescalation of everything. How do you do this? There is no solution unless both sides of the conflict stop

The actual facts as well as I can understand them, is that we are fighting a group of people who use religion and tribal law of the 14th century as their moral and legal code. Everything is a blood feud. Change them and the world will change