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03/21/12 12:48 PM

#172167 RE: arvitar #172165

The old Canadian Content Rule, lol. That's what this is? Back bacon filler? Hilarious!

That's what the MacKenzie Brothers built their career on...well, that and pyrolyzed wheat, hops and barley.

Canadian content (abbreviated CanCon, cancon or can-con) refers to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) requirements that radio and television broadcasters (including cable and satellite specialty channels) must air a certain percentage of content that was at least partly written, produced, presented, or otherwise contributed to by persons from Canada. It also refers to that content itself, and, more generally, to cultural and creative content that is Canadian in nature.


03/21/12 12:53 PM

#172168 RE: arvitar #172165

So... the Discovery Channel in Canada isn't REAL because it isn't the Discovery Channel in the US?

Don't know about anyone else...but the liquid gold I saw in that Canadian segment looked pretty REAL to me.

Must be my Canadian tv.