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03/19/12 3:39 AM

#170806 RE: F6 #170803

F6, HA! well doing, does the hair blow with a roof back? .. in the
breeze o'er top of those mountain passes you love to explore?

LOLOL .. got it first pass ..

once spent 2 straight weeks driving a coupla hundred miles each day, all inside Colorado with little duplicating
roads already traveled -- to see and cross as many of the (paved, and open) high passes as I could -- didn't get
the half of them -- this coming summer probably about time I head back there and see and cross a few of the rest .. ooi ..

Corvette Museum Gets Zoning for Motorsport Park

Content provided by

It’s looking better and better for the National Corvette Museum’s plans to build a motorsports park to be used for high-performance driving and testing.

The City-County Planning Commission voted 8-3 to allow the museum to rezone more than 400 acres of land near Porter Pike and McGinnis Road from Agriculture to Planned Unit Development, the Bowling Green Daily News reports.

Concerns about increased levels of noise and traffic prompted a large crowd from an adjoining neighborhood to protest the rezoning, and in the end, the museum had to make concessions to try and reassure those residents and the planning commission.

“We certainly would have liked to have a unanimous support from the commission, but we’re very thankful and appreciative of the support we did get,” Executive Director Wendell Strode said.

“Of course, we still have the hurdle with (Warren County) Fiscal Court, but this was the major hurdle for us. We feel like there are donors and prospective sponsors that are much more likely to get involved with us now that the rezoning is complete and everyone can feel good that if they do get involved it will happen.”

In its binding elements, the museum said the only unmuffled vehicles that would run on the track might be cars from the Corvette Racing Team or NASCAR teams, but Strode said it’s not definite that either would ever visit the track for testing. The museum also agreed to bring back a Detailed Development Plan to ease noise concerns as commission members want to make sure the berm planned by the museum to keep noise levels at bay would do the job.

Attorney Chris Davenport, who represented Southern Kentucky Land LLC, which owns land to the south of the proposed park, said his clients did not feel the noise concerns were adequately addressed.

“If you’ve ever been to a NASCAR event, you know how loud those cars are,” Davenport said.

Said Commissioner John Atkerson: “I want to get behind this and be for this, but it’s very important that we do it the right way, that’s what my concern is. My naive goal here tonight is to get this approved and for these neighbors to walk away and feel like they’ve been protected through this process.”

If you’d like to make a donation to the National Corvette Museum’s Motorsports Park, visit

Discuss this new development in the forums!

Ok, here's some more car chat .. "An Ordinarydude who obsesses about hot-rods....."


03/19/12 8:25 AM

#170813 RE: F6 #170803

Whatever you do, don't put wings on your 1,250-HP Corvette.


10/23/12 7:12 PM

#189955 RE: F6 #170803

Koenigsegg's horizontal roller coaster

Insert video:

Koenigsegg Agera R vs Ferrari 458 Italia Interiour view (Race #1 from Ferrari) .. LOL ..

The Wall Street Journal - By Dan Neil – 20 hours ago

[.. damn that we, i anyway, can't reproduce yahoo images ..]

Accelerating a standstill to 186 mph in 14.5 seconds is a fairly kinetic event. Very loud, tunnel vision, urge to pee. One moment the Swedish countryside is just sitting there, looking lovely and serene; the next it's blowing past you in a violent blur of autumn colors. Herregud! I've been pillaged.

The Koenigsegg Agera R, built by an extraordinary man named Christian von Koenigsegg, in Angelholm, Sweden, last year laid waste to a bunch of Guinness production-car records, among them: zero to 186 miles per hour and back to zero in 21.19 seconds. The very car I'm driving, in fact. And it is, it feels like, a horizontal roller coaster: At rest, the Agera R always seems poised in space, then hit the gas, over the top, and straight down, bang, bang, bang go the gears. A plunging vertigo takes over, a forward free-fall. The momentum builds in inexorable squares of mass and you scream your face off.


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======== .. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

How Car Engines Work ..

.. it was on Yahoo on coming on and i hadda give it to you .. :)

======== .. lol .. i sped for a substitute image to ..

Koenigsegg Agera R 0-300-0 Record Video

Saturday, September 3, 2011 16:05 by Arman Barari

Koenigsseg, apparently tired of daily business, took a juicy red Agera R to Ängelholm proving ground to have
some fun. And while doing so, they broke a couple of acceleration and braking records for production cars!

The 1115-hp hyper car set extraordinary records not just in acceleration, but more amazingly,
in braking. To put it simply, in the time your normal car takes to reach 100 km/h, the Agera
has gone past 300 km/h. And it only takes it 6 seconds to come to a dead stop from the speed.

The performance of this car really is mind-boggling. All these record are verified with Racelogic VBox equipments:

0-300km/h = 14.53sec

0-200mph = 17.68sec

300-0km/h = 6.66sec

200-0mph = 7.28sec

0-300-0km/h = 21.19sec

0-200-0mp/h = 24.96sec

via GTspirit ..

.. lol .. thanks Sod there isn't a law against vicarious living yet
.. F6, your Corvette must be well on the road now .. good on ya!