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03/17/12 12:00 PM

#5518 RE: CeeMoney #5514

hi Ceemoney

The only thing deep with this company that i have is 25 grand invested in them.....I do read the articles almost daily but i dont have any further knowledge additional to what is reported and is official. i have atached the direct link to where i got the quotes, but at the end of the cant hold them to their quotes as they have pushed things back before....and even that they were "misunderstood"........... and when i relay what i read from them.....its my perception of what it means(i could be wrong)...........but it does contradict when he says they are going to honor their agreement by drilling two wells by june 2013,,,,,,and then also being quoted by the same reporter that it would be unfortunate if they cant over the sovereignty laws"..................actions are bigger then words and I am hopeful because we do have a battleship sent there supposedly to mainly protect sc72 as if drlling there was imminent.

heres the link:

also the news articles today about the chinese embassadors words going forward changes everyday...........they seem to be softenning their language for co-operation,,,,,,,,but also looking to get "grandfathered" in under unclos , in other words they are looking for exceptions to the rule, or at least still trying to use a Bargaining chip that they dont really have.
these cultures remind me of flea market / bazaar mentalaties........they bargain everything......and a popular strategy of bargaining is ask for more than what youre willing to take, and bargain with something you dont really have in the first place so you dont really lose something but get a compromising advantage anyway.

So drilling by June 2013 on Paper......could be delayed........and also a small chance it can happen sooner if the chinese come closer to a compromise/agreement that they dont deserve in the first looks like the philipines are willing to allow cnooc to drill sc72 as part of the compromise, but not share in the deposits,,,,just the work order which is still Huge . I personally wouldnt trust the chinese to do that but this is politics here.