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Anthony A

03/30/12 2:48 PM

#10098 RE: Vance #10097

I spoke to Doug Fant, attorney who represented DMXC to the SEC, today and he indicated that they are trying to either sell the properties and/or raise capital of $250k to relist. I indicated that I and a few other people were thinking of junking the shares. Doug indicated that he recommended I not do that as Alex has a large stake in this property and will not just abandon it. It holds out hope that this will eventually get resolved but it isn't as fast as we would have liked. I e-mailed Doug and he indicated he would provide to me Alex's e-mail and phone number to contact him. He indicated that another sharedholder contacted him recently as well. He also mentioned that his own brother has a considerable amount of shares.

I don't see any reason for Doug to tell us not to junk them. So I would recommend holding out since they can be junked in December anyways. WHen I get the contact info for Alex, I will pass it on.