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03/16/12 5:51 PM

#50836 RE: LivinLarge8 #50820

I will say that I spoke with Cheryl, the CEO of Green Asset Inc. and she was planning on speaking with Tom yesterday or today.


03/16/12 5:53 PM

#50837 RE: LivinLarge8 #50820

I will say that I spoke with Cheryl, the CEO of Green Asset Inc. and she was planning on speaking with Tom yesterday or today.


03/16/12 6:08 PM

#50848 RE: LivinLarge8 #50820

This might be far out but didn't yesterday somebodyost that Allinder talked to the Shuman people. So her is my take, Shuman gave them options how she could help finance the canacig project. But I guess she only wanted to give ok for financing if Mike Amezquita resigns and somebody with financial and business know how takes over. I am pretty sure Amezquita didn't go voluntarily . Investors wanted him out also because of his bad reputation . Most likely this will take them of the chill list, good things to come. Just a thorn in my eye that that crook is still with the company.

Tom please do the right things!