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03/17/12 10:03 PM

#5530 RE: carolinacoast #5468

Yes this one can hit pennies carolinacoast and I believe will in the very near future.

I do a lot of fishing out of Charleston SC. Is that your stomping grounds also?

Welcome aboard the good ship SIRG?


03/18/12 11:45 AM

#5560 RE: carolinacoast #5468

Thank you for the PM carolinacoast. Great to hear that you are near Charleston. I can only respond by PM on Friday.

I came across the SIRG board while just "wandering" around in IHUB. I too, like you, were impressed with with the posts and DD that had been done by others here especially lmcat and josey. So, in addition to checking it out for myself, I got a relation to do some checking for me. He is the husband of my sister in law. His credentials are, he was born near Kingman, he has a masters in geology, he has mined in several places around the world. According to him, SIRG is indeed a real deal and can potentially return a fortune depending on how much you invest. He is not much of one to invest in penny stocks himself and in fact warns against it no matter how good they look. However, he did buy 250,000 shares himself.

What I know about mining couldn't fill a thimble but I do trust what he has to say about it. If funding comes to pass, I'll have a trip to Africa in my future and depending on how well it does, maybe a lot of change left over for another nice trip or two. And if it flops completely, always a possibility, I'll still be able to eat and eat well.