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03/15/12 9:58 AM

#170488 RE: fuagf #170483

fuagf -- whichever school administrator(s) invited or approved that overtly Christian group Junkyard Prophet to perform and speak at a public school should be fired on the spot, and should have to personally reimburse the school for every penny the event cost the school -- something that would be true even if the group had performed and spoken exactly as expected -- the very idea that taxpayer money is being paid to subject the students to any Christian proselytizers, let alone to those overtly theofascist freaks, is outrageous (You Can Run But You Cannot Hide of course also an overtly theofacist Christian group, see e.g. )

in addition, the records of the school district should be thoroughly reviewed going back at least 5 years, and anyone ever involved in inviting or approving any Christian group to proselytize at any of the district's schools should get the same treatment -- fired on the spot, and required to personally reimburse the district for every penny spent plus interest

in truth, the school officials there should all be fired except only for any found to have opposed any and all such events at every opportunity -- if need be, by virtue of a federal civil rights enforcement action that results in the school district being put under federal court control -- will never happen given the politics, of course -- but that is what should happen -- this is obviously a totally out-of-control situation, not only in that school district, but in all school districts where either of those two Christian theofascist groups has performed/spoken

and then there's the tax-privileged status of such explicitly political Christian theofascist 'ministries' -- you make your living spreading such explicitly political lies and hatreds, you don't get to hide behind Jeebus's skirt -- you not only stay the fuck out of our public schools, you pay your taxes (with every penny you get counting as earned income) and your supporters get zero deductions for giving you money -- again, the way it should be under our Constitution and law, whatever the politics