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03/15/12 2:21 AM

#4440 RE: stocklock #4439

Death RATTLE on the MRES Fraud.

The AMF puts Fraudster Ollu in Jail ... I hope thats the next headline on MRES.


03/15/12 11:32 AM

#4441 RE: stocklock #4439

stocklock, a corporation is an entity that can live forever even when the people behind it are gone!

Never fear what happens to the present crooks; the name of this corporation can be changed and sold to someone else and we will still coninue to survive under the leadership of someone else. Maybe a Chinese company that wants to enter the US market will ask their attorney to find a listed company that wants to perform a reverse merger and sell the company to the the Chinese entity.

It happens all the time; we get new shares and we become proud owners of something called China First Star Inc.....I REALLY LIKE THAT NEW NAME.


03/15/12 5:49 PM

#4444 RE: stocklock #4439

It MOVED Down 20% today.