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03/14/12 8:15 AM

#40906 RE: whiteface88 #40903


I believe you mean 'possibility.

Reality means it is real and you have given nothing as proof except opinion and conjecture.
I don't believe you are in touch with reality with your comment.
I do agree however, that a possibility exists that pure spider silk may not be able to be produced, but if KBLB makes no further advances in the scientific arena, they already have the capability of producing a stronger silk which can be very profitably commercialized.
The potential for even greater scientific progress is highly likely given their advancements to date and any
problems related to obtaining an even greater product are minimized by the meer potential of the product and the scientific communities desire (given the huge economic potential) to accomplish this goal. KBLB is leading the field in that endeavor and there is no reason to believe they can not succeed and may have very well already done so.
Kim's silence means nothing except his normal pattern of communication. IF you were fortunate enough to be in his shoes, I believe that you would find that secrecy and the need for limited communication are desirable and perhaps even constrained by some negotiations KIM has or is in the process of.

Furthermore, how naive do people have to be to believe anyone could 'scam' the PNAS, much less 3 universities and not to mention a multitude of highly respected and well known people in the business and scientific world.