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03/13/12 5:15 AM

#5753 RE: Bigstar #5751

Bigstar, accourding to Best Dam Penny Stocks a sophisticated group of short sellers were taking huge short positions in the .50 cent range on Wensday and thursday last week. Some even taking a huge position of 700,000 shares at .50 cents.

Why in the world would they want to cover now with that kind of profit protection? Do you believe the price could rocket back up to .50 in the next couple of trading days?

Any thoughts here? I am really confused and preplexed why you think there is such a big short squeeze comming.



PS I hit the nail on the head and called this one like I saw it!

you saw the high today! She be droppen like a rock in a pail of water now! good time to short this baby before it gets the real runs....