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03/09/12 2:22 PM

#183643 RE: lbdave #183638

And when it does happen here dave will all you remaining longs feel better about all those blogs where he insisted he was not going to need to reverse split the stock to obtain friendly funding?

There's just over 1 billion shares left to dilute if he's really going to obtain $2M in funding as was suggested in one of his blogs he's going to have to issue a plethora of shares as collateral...and the only way that happens is to make room in the capital structure.

So he has to either increase the authorized or reverse split the stock...and logic would suggest that any funder on the planet contemplating lending this company $2M would insist on a massive reverse split as the very first criteria cuz that's how the pos-land funding world works.

Funders don't give away that kind of money to triple zero stocks without obtaining a plethora of share based collateral or taking over majority control so they become the decision makers!