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03/08/12 8:07 PM

#6824 RE: Jackroch #6813

those are *hidden* bids >>
this is why i like to post out the trades
in total >> because only then can folks see
what is done >> day in and day out >>

today >> without knowing who bought or who sold

i see very specific info based on years of observing patterns

the 1k buy at the ask >> almost always shows via reg sho
one of the reasons i try to never hit the ask is
because those shares can be immediately shorted

notice the duplicated 1k trade done at 1.35 (to me it's SOS)
it could also be done to immediately dilute daily reg sho
no MM wants to show day in and day out high percentage short
volume >> which to be clear would have showed if only the 1k
went off at the ask (42c) (100 percent)

then there is a 100 and and 800 trade also hidden

it's possible someone had a bid in for 100 shares that didn't
show due to size >> and got filled en route to the 1k hidden

but here's what i see >> 100 is a signal (percentage based)
done by those who need to communicate but don't want to leave
any traces >> watch over the coming weeks and months >> and see
if this pattern follows (could be 50 = 500 >> 250 = 2500 or
a double signal contained in a trade .. for example 420
it's 4200 (any combo) and 2000 (from the 20) it's a form
of communication >>

i first noticed percentage based signal trades a couple of years
back >> they are *imo* highly prevalent on heavily shorted stox

but again i only observe and document a handful of OTC co.s
and i take a lot of heat for what i post (my version of charts)
and my beliefs (via the usual suspects) >> but imo there is a
very specific pattern in play *totally dictated* against legit
co.s on the poorly watched OTC

one other lesson to learn >> pay attn to the trades done the
day b4 and the day after >> you may see the 800 translate to
another 800 tomorrow or an 8000 trade >> or it may have been
done 2 days ago at a different pps (reset) >> what i've come
to realize is the tape of trades is a puzzle >> some days
more of the pieces get filled in than others >> but eventually
it shows true >> it just requires patience >> and clearly it
never hurts to know when someone gets filled (after the fact)

that is why i try to link the tape of trades to each other
so checking back info is easily accessed

i also do what i call trading stats posts >> where one can
see another pattern in play >> the *volume* done >> eom is
usually interesting >> folks who never check pps on their stox
daily will do so at the eom or eoq >> they so love the psychological
aspects of closing a stock below prior month or prior Q

nothing works better than shaking out shares >> then to see
losses on paper >> month in and Q out

just some new habits to develop >> but the best advice i can
offer is access a quality source of rt l2 and have the patience
to see what it shows >> i use equity feed due to MM logs
(time stamps each MM shows when moving on either the bid or ask)

very helpful to have with volume and pps movement to fill in
some of the jigsaw pieces

all jmo