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03/08/12 11:21 AM

#6228 RE: dirtmover #6227

The Ants website hasn't been updated for almost a year. That should tell you something. Some software company! lol

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03/08/12 11:55 AM

#6230 RE: dirtmover #6227

Known limitations when using a DB2 database with ANTs IBM DB2 SSacSA as a Sybase database

Release notes


You can connect to a DB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database as a Sybase ASE database when you use the ANTs Software product IBM® DB2 SSacSA. This document lists the know limitations when using a DB2 database IBM DB2 SSacSA.

The ANTs Software product IBM® DB2 SQL Skin for applications compatible with Sybase ASE (IBM DB2 SSacSA) supports connecting to a DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows database as a Sybase ASE database.

The following are limitations and issues when using ANTs IBM DB2 SSacSA with Optim Development Studio:

Installation and configuration
Working with the database

Installation and configuration

For prerequisites and instructions for installing and using ANTs IBM DB2 SSacSA with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, see the ANTs documentation at

When you create a DB2 Sybase ANTs v9.7 connection profile in Optim Development Studio. You must update the classpath of the connection with the location of the ANTs JAR file antsjconn3.jar.

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Working with the database

The following IBM DB2 SSacSA limitations exist when using IBM DB2 SSacSA with DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows:

Creating and managing users, roles, and groups is not supported.
User-defined functions are not supported.
Double-byte character sets are not supported.
The follow table operations are not supported:
Creating a table with the following clauses is not supported:
DEFAULT clause for columns
IDENTITY_GAP NOTE: When creating a table, the following message might appear in the Error Log view:
com.ants.common.AntsCommonEedInfo The stack trace for the error message is also written to the log file.
The message does not affect table creation.
The following ALTER table operations are not supported:
ADD column
DROP column
MODIFY column
REPLACE column
RENAME table
Assigning privileges to a user, role, or group is not supported.

The following index operations are not supported:
CREATE an index
RENAME an index
Alter an index type to unique, cluster, non-unique, or non-cluster
Alter an index FILLFACTOR
Alter an index ASC or DESC
Dropping an index
Indexes cannot be viewed in Optim Development Studio.

The following check constraint operations are not supported:
Showing a check constraint for a table
Creating a check constraint with a check condition
ALTER a check constraint
Renaming a check constraint
Adding a check condition to a check constraint

The following unique constraint operations are not supported:
Showing a unique constraint for a table
Creating a unique constraint with columns
ALTER a unique constraint
Renaming a unique constraint
DROP unique constraint
ADD or DROP columns with a unique constraint

The following foreign key constraint operations are not supported:
Showing foreign keys for a table
Create foreign key constraint with the REFERENCE clause
ALTER a foreign key constraint
Add referring columns
Renaming or adding columns
Dropping foreign key constraint from table
Dropping columns with a foreign key constraint

The following table lists limitations for Sybase system defined data types:

Data type Limitation
FLOAT maps to REAL
UNICHAR Not Supported
UNIVARCHAR Not Supported
NCHAR Not Supported
NVARCHAR Not Supported
SYSNAME Not Supported

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