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03/08/12 10:48 AM

#47455 RE: BlowShigh #47454

Congrats on your purchase. I don't think you'll be disappointed if you got in at .0010 or .0011. While I don't agree that a run is coming TODAY, you can bet that we will see a rise as soon as the financials get completed and the uplist to the QB tier is complete. We have been given numbers in PR's lately, that aren't bad for a startup company in it's VERY early days, but we need these numbers listed in an actual legal document. :) A lot of people, and I don't blame them, don't use PR's as concrete information.

Again, welcome aboard. Keep your head up and stay positive. I think SEEK is going to change some lives someday...


03/08/12 11:55 AM

#47464 RE: BlowShigh #47454

I also wouldn't say today, but i will eat my words if we haven't seen it run at least 70% in the next month. GUARANTEED!