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03/08/12 8:56 AM

#169891 RE: F6 #169889

This is the small-mindedness that will help Repubs lose WH - kids don't learn bias on their begins at home!


03/08/12 9:27 PM

#169915 RE: F6 #169889

Romney ads anger Latinos, Slam Santorum for Sotomayor Vote

Posted on 03/08/2012 by Juan

Political Ticker is reporting that .. .. Latino voters in California are annoyed with GOP front runner Mitt Romney over his ads attacking rival Rick Santorum for voting in 1998 to confirm Sonia Sotomayor for the district court. That vote, the radio ads allege, put her on the way to becoming a justice of the Supreme Court.

Romney’s people say the ads target Sotomayor’s liberal stances. But first of all, she isn’t that liberal. And second, it is impossible to complain about Santorum helping Sotomayor’s career without appearing, at least, to be anti-Latino/ Latina.

In opinion polling last fall, Obama led his Republican rivals among Latinos by a factor of 2.5 to 1. ..

Latinos could provide the margin of victory in the 15 crucial swing states .. .. of: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

I read somewhere that if a presidential candidate doesn’t get 40 percent of the Latino vote nowadays, he or she cannot win.

Romney hasn’t started out on the right foot.