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03/07/12 11:14 AM

#254554 RE: MikeDDKing #254553


Date Type Symbol Shares Price Amount Cash Return
03/07/2012 Buy SGRP 500 $1.22 -$610.00 $6,650.61


03/07/12 11:20 AM

#254555 RE: MikeDDKing #254553

SGRP is a new pick of ours -- seems cheap here. They do point-of-purchase advertising displays and things like that. They have extreme seasonality historically with Q4 and tends to pop big. But more importantly they are growing internationally and forecast Q1 onward to be great as well. Sorry I don't have a more detailed write up. This isn't a "favorite" pick yet but one of the portfolio. After the earnings report we'll reevaluate.