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03/06/12 10:30 PM

#55993 RE: litton51 #55992

Ah, the folly of youth ? LOL!!!

I don't think its useful to be optimistic or pessimistic rather than realistic. CLYW has always been a crap shoot at best, and it still is that. The cost of the ticket relative to the size of the pot is one issue... another is how many times in a row you have to roll and not crap out before you win the pot ?

One issue here has always been their open ended ability to continually increase the requirement in that number of times you have to roll... and to do that faster than the dies could ever get tossed... with that also increasing the odds they'd abscond with the pot before the game could ever play out.

That bit's been stopped... and that's new.

There's going to be a straight-up game played now...

So, I'll agree with you that the odds right now are vastly better than they've been before... only because the game being played right now isn't crooked in that way...

But, along with all the other bogosities in the game that was being played coming to an end, so will end many of the fictions in what the actual size of the pot is... ?

And, the new elements in timing, in receivership, will likely have a lot to do with that ? So, I'll also be looking for evidence hinting at the sort of timing on which we might expect to see this be resolved. Patience is a virtue... as much in this as in other things ?