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03/05/12 12:24 PM

#9719 RE: KashGreen #9718

why then would the company not put something out and capitalize on the momentum. If they were open and frank with your guy what about everyone else. Gold is up, BonZ PPS is up slightly, volume is there, but the Company offers nothing. No news, No PR nothing. Are we in for a jack in the box surprise or just same old BONZ.


03/05/12 12:28 PM

#9720 RE: KashGreen #9718

sounds cool.

red flags for me:
"my guy". It's always the unknown anonymous "guy".
"My guys conclussion BUY". Now the "guy" is making investment suggestions.
"He owns a fairly large chunk". Like I didn't see this coming.

To summarize:

some "guy" owns a lot of shares, visited the site, and now
recommends that everyone buy the stock.

Sounds legit to me!
See you at a penny.


03/05/12 12:31 PM

#9721 RE: KashGreen #9718

I don't want to name names

Add that to my red flag list.