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03/04/12 7:24 PM

#5166 RE: Arlocali01 #5164

It's cheaper that way, on the website.
I don't mind that they keep delaying, that's to be expected. Early to mid 2012 is good enough for me. At least it's a date, even if tentative...could be worse.



03/04/12 7:50 PM

#5167 RE: Arlocali01 #5164

What you are missing is that a company can put up all kind of bullshit on their website. Nobody cares. But if a public company puts out a misleading PR or is lying in the PR or any such thing it can be held accountable for it.

That's even more so with filings. That's why it's complete nonsense if somebody says he doesn't care whether they file or not since the sales numbers will be the same (in this example zero). The important thing in a filing is that the company needs to come up with all internal information, all the stuff like details on any leases, details on any insider dumping, related party stuff, financing stuff, share structure and overall who got paid in shares and when and how many and all this kind of information.

Just imagine if there wasn't a big difference in announcing stuff on the homepage vs. putting out a PR. Nobody would do it since every PR costs money.

That's why people speak about "non reporting" pinkies in such a bad way. Because you as a shareholder have absolutely no information as to what's really going on within the company and I'm not speaking about whether they are making money at the moment.


03/04/12 9:14 PM

#5169 RE: Arlocali01 #5164

Yes you are missing something. A Company posting info on a web site means absolutely nothing. They can post anything that they wish. Is it fact...? Not necessarily, although now you have a starting point to do your DD and find out if it is fact or fiction.

PRs are public relations reports and do not mean a lot. What people like to see are NRs which of course are news reports. This Company would benefit from a news report of any sort right about now. Will that be fact...? Again not necessarily; but it would be more believable. Bottom line, as a couple of others have reminded certain individuals, it's a Pinky and until it moves up and out of Pinky Land then you should trade it accordingly.

There has been so much negativity on this board lately that I do not see any technical analysis meaning much here at this time.

I rarely discuss my buys and sells on a site as it is meaningless and really should be perceived as a form of new investor manipulation.

Anyway, if you believe the leaders of this board then buy in at a price you like or can afford, hold/trade it and move on to bigger and better things for now. If you have any doubts, it’s simple, stay away or sell and move on to the aforementioned bigger and better things.

Happy trading to all this week.