I just can't figure why you would continually stay with a company that you think has little chance of being successful as your post that INFO referred to, alluded to. I am very excited about the next several months with this company. FUSE has invested a lot of time and money to make this company successful, and they will see it through until their goal is reached. Just my opinion, but i just wanted to put out a positive post regarding FUSE. I've got a great feeling about this co., which is why i remain here regardless of the current PPS status. Yes, feelings aren't going to help the PPS, but sometimes you have to listen to your gut. Try not to be so short sighted. I know you're frustrated, but be patient. In September and October the PPS dwindled, but look what happened shortly after. The sentiment was no different in those low months than it is now, but patience rewarded some. I see this as an opportunity to pick up shares for very cheap. This IS the calm before the explosion north!