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03/03/12 5:51 PM

#47747 RE: LivinLarge8 #47722 far the RFMK "flip-tip" money that I've made trading portions of RFMK in and out is alot more real that the return so far on my long RFMK position!!.

In fact it is this RFMK " flip tip" money that is allowing my long position to look a little better after each in and out trade is completed.

And I'm betting again that the position that I took on Friday will deliver another tid bit of $$$ support to my long position by Tuesday.

After last weeks update/PR Duds (just look at the RFMK PPS action last week) - IMO RFMK has really back themselves into a corner were RFMK (Mike/Tom)can not afford to let the RFMK PPS fall down further without a PPS bump up first. Thus the only option - they need to deliver a cummunication/ PR with some real substance otherwise RFMK printing press can not produce the $$$ needed because:

1. The price is not at a level that makes sense.
2. No delivery/update PR with some real substance and IMO that will deliver additional selling pressure on RFMK as it appears based on opinion from this board - there will be some bailing which only puts more pressure on RFMK.

Yes, IMO Tom/Mike - RFMK does not have many options at this point in time if they want to keep the interest of all the RFMK shareholders on board.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall this weekend with Mike/Tom and the new distributor to catch wind on what the next move is going to be for RFMK.



03/04/12 11:22 AM

#47791 RE: LivinLarge8 #47722

That's the bottom line, isn't it Livin?! Problem is flippers don't care about the sector or what is coming here...they just want their 10 or 20% gains....

We know better!