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03/03/12 5:16 PM

#53557 RE: hot-penguin #53538

The note holders are out of the picture bro.

Judge dismissed em. NIR did nothin agaist the law or the note terms in this case. HLNT can still go after their two ex CEO's Walters and Humphries both of whom were elected to their positions by the company shareholders. They seemed to make decisions you and the CEO fraud felon who came after them doesn't like. So go after em and see what ya get. Try Robotsky and also see where that leads. These dudes knew their day was comin and had their exit strategy in place. HLNT is gonna get nowhere with their fraud claims concernin the notes themselves. Sparks hasn't got a clue if he tells ya any different. I see he's now taken to writin about the new HLNT focus on these three individuals. trys to word it so you and others might think there is a chance the notes will be eliminated. I've told ya all along that won't happen. My tone or spin doesn't change as does those you like to read. HLNT has no chance of eliminatin the convertable debt of some 10 million bucks. They will be convertin shares against those notes. Who cares if they get judgements against their own elected officials and even Ribotsky. They'll never collect a dime but will be court ordered to pay the notes.